Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Blogging Again....on the brink of transition

Guess I am blogging again after such a long hiatus. Many things have happened since my last post, the most important being the fact that I accepted Jesus Christ into my life once again. In essence, I have come full circle, I accepted Christ, ran away from Him, and have come back to Him again.

In truth, there is still much to learn about life, and I come to this realisation at a time where my life is at a crossroads. Within a few months, I will take my final MBBS, which represents the final exam of my life as a full fledged student. Should I pass, the working world beckons, a world that I am not sure I am truly ready for. Truly, the fears have always crossed my mind: Will I be a good enough doctor for my patients to trust me with their lives? These doubts will probably always linger in some corner of my mind, however I have come to realise that it only through experiencing this fear and still give full committment will I truly be able to overcome them. Of course, this is not through my strength, but that of the Lord's.

I am still looking for my true purpose in my life, the purpose of which God has given me. There have been many false dawns, many disappointments, many wrong turns, yet I still press on in looking. It is a process that I constantly wish to undertake, even if society's appeal to go with the flow is enticing. This is because I know deep down that one can only find true happiness if he is doing the things which are intertwined with his purpose. This was what I was created for, and hence I strive to find it.

May God give me direction and faith to find this purpose.

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