I did my IPPT again during my current Reservist. Yet again, I failed. There was slight imptovement in several stations, however overall the end result was the same again. For 2 years I have attempted this test and failed, and ended up going for RT, which in my mind was a waste of time (Sure there was physical exercise, however it was never enough)
I have had enough of this. I have had too many things clogging up my life, too many things that take up my time and hinder my progress. At my age, things should be streamlined and clear cut.
Hence, I have resolved to do a few things.
I will pass my IPPT before my birthday this time. In doing so I will change my lifestyle, my eating habits and my exercise regime. For too long I have been carrying this extra weight around which is detrimental to my health in the long term. Also I don't want to go for RT again next year.
Most importantly, I want to feel good and fit. I don't want to stay below my true physical potential, which I know far exceeds the current state I am in.
Also, I want to be clear about the direction I want for my social life.
Definitely I don't want to stay single forever. I want to know what it feels to be in a commited relationship. I know that I have the qualities required, and I just need to take the opportunity when it comes.
Finally, I want to know the direction of my career. I know it will be a medical discpline, though right now I am deliberating between Gastroenterology and Infectious Disease. Either way, I will need to get into the Internal Medicine Program to have a chance
Also, I want to involve myself in a sport that I will enjoy and commit myself. Muay Thai comes to mind.
There are other things I wish to accomplish, however I will start small first. If I can achieve these pre-existing goals I have set up, I will have moved up an important rung in the ladder of life.