Saturday, April 17, 2010


I am approaching my first year of work now. Time really seems like only yesterday that I just started work...and now I am almost 1 year into it. In the process I have seen many things, learnt many truths, and uncovered many facts about myself, my friends and the world in general. One of the most important though, is that my life has been dictated by certain patterns that have shaped its eventual course to this point.

These patterns have been borne out of my own personality traits and my preferences. It is why I am at this point of my life, and why I am in my current state. Indeed, there are both good and bad patterns, though I must honestly say that there are more of the latter. However, being patterns, they are hard-wired, and changing them is no easy task. In fact, it hinges on the impossible at some times.

My task is to stick to the good patterns while changing the bad ones. I expect a struggle in doing so, particularly as my own heart and mind are fickle, and tend to be swayed by the moment. The forbidden fruit always tastes better, the path to destruction always wider. All i can place my faith on is my will and hopefully, that of God's.